How to give a Distance Healing

Distance healing is a form of energy healing, also referred to as energy medicine, and is based on the belief that energy can be transmitted between two people. It is a powerful tool to help reduce physical pain, increase emotional wellbeing, and improve overall health.

It can be done in a variety of ways, but the basic principles are the same. It involves visualizing a healing process, sending healing energy to the person in need, and allowing the healing energy to do its work.

When you are ready to begin performing a distance healing you can optionally create a relaxed, meditative environment for yourself. You can do this by lighting a few candles, playing some calming music, or using aromatherapy.

The first step in doing a distance healing is to enter into a relaxed and meditative state. You can do this by taking some deep breaths, closing your eyes, and allowing yourself to sink into a peaceful state.

The next step in giving a distance healing, once you are in a relaxed state is to create a connection between yourself and the person in need of healing. This connection is often referred to as an energetic bridge and can be created by focusing on the person in need, visualizing a bond between you and them, or even through the use of mantras or prayers.

As soon as the connection is established, the next step is to prepare your energy to be used for the healing. This can be done by taking a few moments to ground and center yourself, by visualizing yourself being filled with light, or by simply focusing on your breathing.

When you have prepared your energy, it is time to start sending it to the person in need. Begin to focus on the person you wish to send healing energy to. Visualize them in your mind and focus on sending healing energy to them. This can be done by visualizing a beam of light flowing from you to the person in need, or even by sending a simple affirmation such as “I am sending you healing energy”. It is important to be mindful of the energy that you are sending and to not allow any negative energy to come through.

Once you have visualized the person and sent healing energy to them, you can begin to visualize the healing process. Visualize the person feeling a sense of peace and relaxation. Imagine the healing energy bringing relief to the person’s physical, mental, and emotional pain, and see the person being completely healed and restored to health.

Finally, it is important to close the connection once you are finished. This can be done by visualizing the connection being cut and the energy dissipating in both directions.

When you’re finished, take a few moments to thank the Universe for providing the healing energy. Then, take a few moments to thank the person you sent healing energy to for allowing them to receive it.

Distance healing is a powerful tool to help heal physical, mental and emotional illnesses from any distance. It can be a powerful way to show love and care for those who are in need of healing and is a powerful tool for all kinds of healing.

It requires practice and patience, but it can be a very effective way to send healing energy to someone in need. Remember to always enter a relaxed and meditative state before beginning, and to focus on the person and the healing energy before sending it. With practice and dedication, you can use distance healing to help others heal.

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