Shuffle the Cards to Reveal Your Past, Present, and Future Tarot Reading.

Click each card turn it over, and reveal its meaning below.

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands Tarot is an interesting card with a lot of meaning to those who take the time to explore it. At its core, the card symbolizes power, but it also has other layers of meaning that can provide numerous insights into one’s life.

First and foremost, the card appears to represent a “power struggle.” By depicting five figures each holding a wand, the card’s image implies that a battle for power is being waged, and it’s clear that none of the individuals involved are likely to back down. This is symbolic of any sort of power struggle, such as in a business or personal relationship. As each individual tries to force the other to concede, the struggle can become unproductive and not result in a resolution.

On the other hand, this card could also be interpreted in a more positive light. Each of the characters could represent different aspects of oneself. In this meaning, this card implies that one should look within and identify the various aspects of their own personality. Acknowledging and accepting different aspects of oneself can provide a much-needed equilibrium to life, allowing for personal growth and acceptance.

This card is associated with the element of Fire, which is a powerful and active element. This means that the card also symbolizes dynamism, creativity, and enthusiasm. Therefore, when one draws this card, it may be a sign of a breakthrough – perhaps a new project that requires energy, passion, and initiative.

The Five of Wands card is full of energy and potential, and it should be studied and explored judiciously. Those who invest the time and effort to understand the card’s hidden wisdom can discover personal truths that can help guide their life journeys and provide insight into their own struggles and achievements.

The Devil

The Devil tarot card is an archetypal symbol of the darker aspects of life. It represents a certain level of attachment, restriction, and materialism – the “devil” we often encounter within our own life and the symbols of temptation and darkness.

The Devil tarot card does not represent “evil” as we traditionally define it. Rather, it represents certain dark forces at work within our psyche, continually tempting us to make choices that are not good for our highest self. It also encourages us to take note of our limitations and question our decisions – it does not mean that we’re really “bad” but rather that we need to make better choices.

The Devil tarot card symbolizes material possessions, money, power, and physical pleasures. On an emotional level, it might suggest feelings of slavery and entrapment, while on an intellectual level, it represents a situation of consequences and entrapment. In other words, these are feelings that are associated with an inability to break away from an oppressive power or external influence. It is important to note that The Devil tarot card also has positive aspects, such as the fact that it can also represent the idea of rebirth and transformation. In short, The Devil tarot card can represent the flip side of human existence, which is often hidden beneath a veneer of good and desirable things.

The Devil tarot card may suggest that the querent is in a state of spiritual enslavement in a tarot reading. It might indicate that the querent is too emotionally invested in something that restricts their potential, and it might be time to let go of this attachment. Alternatively, it could suggest that the querent is in a state where they need to be more aware of their choices and move past fear and the limitations created by their own beliefs.

In short, The Devil tarot card is a powerful symbol of limitation, burden, attachment, and the power of transformation. Keeping in mind that The Devil tarot card also has positive elements within it, its reading can be quite insightful and helpful for understanding our current situation and finding ways to move forward.

Astrological Symbol (December/ January):
Capricorn: The Capricorn Tarot Card is The Devil. This card is a reminder to be aware of our darker side and our own potential for manipulation and control. It is a card of temptation and self-sabotage and encourages us to stay focused on our goals and our highest potential.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords tarot is a symbol of intelligence and resourcefulness, representing the ultimate expression of the power of the mind. The Queen of Swords is often described as a complex and enigmatic figure – she is both intuitive and logical, sharp-witted and eloquent. Intelligence and wisdom are her greatest strengths and she is driven by her passion for truth and justice.

The Queen of Swords is the archetype of the wise and independent woman who knows the power of the mind and uses it to her advantage. She is not dependent on a man or status in society – she stands strong and independent. She has a strong sense of self and a strong ethical and moral code. The Queen of Swords is wise, with an innate understanding of the political and social landscape and an astute awareness of the subtle nuances of human motives and behavior.

The Queen of Swords represents being able to stand up for yourself and to speak your truth. She encourages debate and discussion and speaks only the truth. She listens to the stories and perspectives of others and seeks to weigh them against her own. She can be a powerful ally when wronged and a tough opponent when she needs to be.

The Queen of Swords tarot is an archetype that can be found in all areas of life – from leading business and politics to teaching, counseling, writing, and more. She is a symbol of the power of the mind and a reminder that intelligence and courage are necessary for achieving success and maintaining a full, fulfilling life journey.

Turn Over All Cards