Blocking Your Person of Interest (POI): Because Who Needs Healthy Communication, Anyway? Why you should reconsider this overused and often misused tactic

Hey, in the world of dating today, we’ve all been there – hitting that block button when things get rough with your crush or person you’re into. It might seem like the obvious move when you’re all in your feelings, but trust me, it might not be the smartest call. Now I’ll break down why blocking your POI can backfire, how people usually do it, the mess it creates, and why you should tread carefully.

Blocking Your Crush: How and Why

Blocking someone you’re crushing on is kinda simple. You can do it on chat apps, social media, or just by ignoring their calls and texts. Why do people do it? Well, here are some common reasons:

Emotions on Overdrive: When things get heated or after a breakup, you might block your crush to protect yourself from more drama.

Taking Charge: Blocking can make you feel like you’re in control, especially in those situations where jealousy or insecurity takes over.

Privacy and Boundaries: If someone’s crossed your boundaries or invaded your privacy, blocking can be like putting up a wall for protection.

Breaking Up: Sometimes, blocking is a way to say, “It’s over” or “I’m moving on” after a romantic relationship goes south.

The Problems with Blocking Your Crush

Blocking might give you a quick breather or make you feel strong, but it comes with some serious downsides:

Talk Block: Blocking your crush makes it super hard to talk openly and honestly, which means you can’t resolve issues, clear up misunderstandings, or get any closure.

Lingering Problems: Blocking doesn’t magically fix your relationship problems. It just hides them away, and they could come back later, which is not what you want.

Boosting Bad Vibes: Blocking can amp up your negative feelings because it feels like the end when it might not be. This can mess with your personal growth and emotional healing.

Missing Chances: By blocking your crush, you might miss out on a chance to patch things up or grow as a person. People change, situations change, and blocking can keep you from experiencing those positive changes.

Why Playing with Blocking Is a Bad Idea

Using blocking as a way to test someone’s interest or manipulate them is a risky game that can lead to trouble:

Emotional Rollercoaster: Blocking someone and then wondering if they’ll reach out can mess with both your and their emotions. It’s not cool to mess with someone’s feelings like that.

Avoiding Responsibility: Blocking can be an escape route from owning up to your part in the relationship issues. Instead of fixing things, you just block them out.

Staying Stuck: Blocking keeps you stuck in negativity and stops you from growing or learning from your experiences. It also hinders any chance of fixing or rethinking your relationships.

Consider Other Options: Before hitting that block button, think about other ways to handle the situation. Maybe set clear boundaries, talk honestly, consider relationship counseling, or just take a break without blocking. These alternatives can be way better for sorting things out and making your relationships healthier.

In a Nutshell

Blocking your crush might give you a quick escape, but it’s not usually the best move. It can mess with your emotions, communication, and personal growth. So, before you go all block-happy, take a step back and explore other options. Talking it out and finding solutions are the key to keeping your connections strong and dealing with relationship issues.

Remember, when you go ahead and block your POI, you’re blocking yourself too. Let’s keep it real here. Do you seriously lack the willpower to resist the urge and leave that block button alone? Why not give it a shot and see how things play out without hitting the block?

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